Hiking with Manon near Joffre Lake July 2022


Bristol Kennedy

I first discovered my passion for photography through my fascination with wildlife and botanical subjects, mostly my pets in the garden. As a student of the University of Victoria Visual Arts program, I incorporated these themes into my various projects. Patterns in nature are a constant source of inspiration.

During the summer of 2019 I was introduced to birding in a way that would forever change how I relate to the natural world. Picking up a telephoto lens suddenly bought me so much closer to the familiar species I loved and revealed many more that had previously escaped my attention. Sharing my delight with thoughtful guidance of Theo Emery, who had just returned from Alaska and was about to embark on a year long journey across America, my awareness at about the birds around me was ignited. Photographing common loons and belted kingfishers had been a dream of mine and capturing a juvenile fisher on a particular lichen covered branch was a moment I will never forget.

As many of my favourite feathered locals began migration south, I expanded my perspective to landscape and portrait photography. With a background in visual arts and aesthetics, I am excited to continue producing work with strong composition and character, striving to capture ease and natural expression in my subjects.